PlayStation Games
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PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
John C. Reilly
Joaquin Phoenix
Jake Gyllenhaal
Riz Ahmed
Rutger Hauer
Carol Kane
Jacques Audiard
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
27 Mar 2020
It is 1851, and Charlie and Eli Sisters (Joaquin Phoenix and John C. Reilly) are both brothers and assassins, boys grown to men in a savage and hostile world. They have blood on their hands: that of criminals, that of innocents…and they know no state of existence other than being gunmen. The older of the two, introspective Eli (Reilly) rides hard with his younger sibling yet dares to dream of a normal life. The younger of the two, hard-drinking Charlie (Phoenix) has taken charge with gusto as lead man on the duo’s assignments. Each increasingly questions, and quibbles with, the other’s methods.
The Sisters brothers find themselves on a journey through the Northwest, bringing them to the mountains of Oregon, a dangerous brothel in the small town of Mayfield, and eventually, the Gold Rush land of California — a journey that will test the deadly family ties that bind. But, can it also be the path to rediscovering what remains of their humanity?
兄弟同心,其利斷金。淘金熱興起的1851年,艾利(約翰韋利 飾)與查理(華堅馮力士 飾)兩兄弟從小已在殺戮與暴烈中成長,二人攜手並肩齊當殺手,大賊平民壞人好人一律有殺錯無放過。個性內向沉靜的大哥艾利兇狠背後,卻希望將來能回歸平靜人生。弟弟查理好酒成性,與哥哥經常意見不合。當兩兄弟奉黑幫大佬之命,殲滅自稱擁有絕世淘金秘方的叛徒時,賞金獵人(積佳蘭賀 飾)早已虎視眈眈。加州淘金小鎮風雲再起,腹背受敵的艾利與查理,能否殺出重圍,重拾親情,兄弟情深?
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)