PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Robert De Niro
Tommy Lee Jones
Morgan Freeman
Zach Braff
Emile Hirsch
Eddie Griffin
George Gallo
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
27 Jan 2022
Producer Max Barber is in debt to mob boss Reggie Fontaine after his latest film bombs. With his life at stake, Max produces a new film, all to kill his lead in a stunt so he can rake in the insurance. But when Max casts Duke Montana, he never expects the old drunk to be revitalized by being in front of the camera. Unable to kill Duke in a basic stunt, Max puts him into ever more dangerous situations. And as Duke survives stunt after stunt, Max ends up making the best movie of his career.
3大奧斯卡得獎神台級長老破「癲」荒同台鬥戲 !曾風光一時的荷里活監製麥斯(羅拔迪尼路 飾)憑著三吋不爛之舌多次獲得金主投資拍戲,可惜新片票房失利,使他欠下黑幫金主方雷(摩根費曼 飾)巨債,不得不想盡辦法籌錢還款。麥斯靈機一觸,決定借開拍新片之名,邀得過氣動作巨星杜克(湯美李鍾斯 飾)擔任男主角,並設法在電影拍攝期間製造意外把他弄死,詐取鉅額保險金!杜克看似失魂落魄,但這位老牛仔在鏡頭前竟虎虎生風,屢屢完成麥斯設計的死亡特技,麥斯到底能否籌錢還清債務,成功咸魚翻身?
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)