PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Cherie Lunghi
Emilia Jones
Emily Atack
Gemma Jones
Jennifer Saunders
Mandie Fletcher
Audio Tracks:
Dolby 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
10 Jan 2019
Sarah Francis is a young woman whose life is a bit of a mess. The last thing she needs is someone else to look after, let alone someone who dribbles, snores and eats from the kitchen bin!! Yet, like it or not, her Grandmother has bequeathed her a very spoilt dog, Patrick– her pug. Surely she must have had her reasons?! Apparently not, as this four-legged interloper proceeds to cause chaos in all aspects of Sarah's life. But then something remarkable happens. Patrick, with all his stubby, stumpy attitude, begins to turn her life around…
被認為是人生失敗組的中學教師莎拉﹙碧蒂艾曼遜 飾﹚失業又失戀,陷入谷底之際還因嫲嫲去世,要照顧她遺下的八哥犬「Patrick」,令她大感苦惱。莎拉本非愛狗之人,租住的房子亦不准養寵物,加上Patrick貪吃、搗蛋、不聽指令,完全玩殘她。不過,想不到人生轉捩點亦由牠而來!因為Patrick,莎拉認識了自信幽默的獸醫奧利華﹙艾德斯克林 飾﹚及愛狗型男阿彬﹙湯姆班納 飾﹚;新的工作亦漸入佳境。正當莎拉左右逢源,愛情事業兩得意之際,Patrick竟然走失了……
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)