Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool (2017) 最後相愛的日子 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool (2017) 最後相愛的日子 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Annette Bening
Jamie Bell
Julie Walters
Stephen Graham
Vanessa Redgrave
Kenneth Cranham

Paul McGuigan

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital EX


English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
106 minutes


Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
22 Feb 2019

Scarcely remembered nowadays, Gloria Grahame, the iconic femme fatale in the ‘50s who won an Oscar for her supporting role in The Bad and the Beautifu, is brought back to life in McGuigan’s humanizing portrait. The film focuses on her melancholic final days when she was left adrift on the outskirts of showbiz, beset by waning health and fading fame, until she met Peter Turner, a young British actor, who revived her with a taboo-breaking romance. Bening and Bell’s riveting performances promise to generate award buzz.

一代性感尤物葛麗亞嘉綸涵(安妮貝寧 飾)在黑白電影年代風光旖旎,曾憑《玉女奇男》獲金像獎最佳女配角,但其羅曼史比電影更精彩。戲內有型男堪富利保加,戲外有大導老公尼古拉斯雷,連年幼繼子也一抱入懷,成了第四任丈夫。徐娘半老雖已星沉影寂,風韻猶存的她依然令年輕廿八載的舞台劇演員彼得端納 (占米比爾 飾)神魂顛倒。二人共度最後相愛時光,也為她的歲月憔悴來個光榮謝幕。安妮貝寧與《跳出我天地》的占米比爾 漂漂亮亮跳一首忘年探戈,還青春之風流,光影中長生不死。

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool (2017) 最後相愛的日子 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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