You Are The Apple Of My Eye 那些年, 我們一起追的女孩 -日本版 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Ano Koro, Kimi wo Oikaketa

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You Are The Apple Of My Eye 那些年, 我們一起追的女孩 -日本版 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Ano Koro, Kimi wo Oikaketa

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Yuki Yamada
Asuka Saito
Honoka Matsumoto
Takara Sakumoto
Naoki Kunishima
Keisuke Nakata
Ryosuke Yusa

Yasuo Hasegawa

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX


Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in Japanese, part of Mandarin, English)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
12 July 2019

Kosuke Mizushima stands up, all set to go to a wedding.
The bride in the wedding hall is Mana Hayase.
Kosuke relives his memories of the days gone by.

Ten years ago - In a provincial city with a pleasant climate and beautiful landscape, Kosuke Mizushima (Yuki Yamada) is the only son of a small tofu shop owner and a high school senior prepping for college entrance exams. His life is happy and carefree, and he enjoys hanging out with classmates Junon (Keisuke Nakata), Kento (Naoki Kunishima), Ikki (Ryosuke Yusa), and Yohei (Takara Sakumoto). At school, he is labeled a troublemaker by the teachers, one of whom moves him to a desk right in front of Mana Hayase (Asuka Saito), a doctor's daughter and the school's top student. The teacher tells Mana to help him study and change his attitude, but Kosuke feels uncomfortable around the beautiful and serious Mana.

2018年秋,水島浩介(山田裕貴 飾)準備好出席婚禮。結婚禮堂內的新娘是早瀨真愛(齋藤飛鳥 飾),看到眼前人,浩介想起那些年與她經歷過的日子…… 十年前,學生拼命準備大學考試,然而成績欠佳的水島浩介,卻與一眾老友壽音、健人、一樹、陽平,自得其樂地過著高中生活。於是,班主任便委派品學兼優的早瀨真愛,與這壞學生在課室內前後同坐,要她指導浩介功課。兩人距離漸近,真愛也對浩介改觀,發現天真幼稚的他其實心地善良,而浩介也感受到女神冰冷背後平易近人的一面。真愛搬到東京上大學實踐當醫生的理想,而目送她遠去的浩介就留在家鄉。兩人若即若離的關係,一次地震,又再次重燃起來。時間又慢慢過去,大學終於畢業了,一天浩介收到真愛的電話…… 一次沒有結果的表白,無數次失落後,他們在滿天星星的晚上,平行時空下約定了。如果他們在另一宇宙相遇,兩顆心會再一起跳動嗎?

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • You Are The Apple Of My Eye 那些年, 我們一起追的女孩 -日本版 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Ano Koro, Kimi wo Oikaketa

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