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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Yuen Tai-Yung 阮大勇
Kenny Bee 鍾鎮濤
Ma Wing-Shing 馬榮成
Joe Cheung 張同祖
David Ki 祁文傑
Ryan Hui 許懷欣
Michael Hui 許冠文
Hui See-Wai 許思維
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 2.0
Cantonese 粵語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
70 minutes + 20 minutes behind the scene
- (TBA)
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
30 Nov 2017
Mr Yuen Tai-Yung (b. 1941) is a Chinese artist known for his creation of over 200 iconic Hong Kong movie posters - which include many films from the Bruce Lee, Hui Brothers, Karl Maka, Stephen Chow, Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung's kung fu and comedy series. This documentary chronicles the director's quest to find the reclusive master and subsequent encounters with the man within a period of 12 months. It captures the life and art of the self-taught genius who single-handedly depicted the look and feel of what can be described as the Golden Era of Hong Kong Cinema from 1975 to 1992. Western audiences might like some familiar faces from the prolific painter's recent works - undeniably breathtaking - such as the portraits of Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, James Dean, John Lennon, Audrey Hepburn and Anne Hathaway.
「海報師」是首部關於香港藝術家 -- 阮大勇先生的真實紀錄電影,涵蓋阮氏生平事跡、作品、藝術成就及其對華語電影文化的影響和貢獻。 阮大勇1941年出生於浙江省,1950年代隨父移居香港,1976年憑手繪「半斤八兩」電影海報成名,其後創作海報超過200套。代表作包括:李小龍、許氏兄弟、麥嘉、周星馳、成龍、洪金寶的功夫喜劇電影系列。阮氏筆下巨星雲集,元素多變,糅合中國國畫和西方視覺美學,擅長捕捉電影的神髓,莊諧並重,無論在畫功、構圖、配色、字體等領域皆有破格創新,奠定了香港商業電影海報的基本風格。導演以自己2015年尋訪阮大勇的經歷為主軸,從鍾鎮濤、祁文傑、馬榮成等嘉賓口中追溯阮氏的歷史和足跡,帶觀眾進入「染墨齋」,聽阮氏講解經典海報背後的故事,一覽從未曝光的手稿,探討海報藝術的今昔,並實拍阮大勇和許冠文兩位大師相隔40年的重遇和感恩。
Documentary trailer (English subtitled)