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The Floor Plan (2024) 詭異之家 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitle) Japanese movie aka Henna Ie
$33.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Shotaro Mamiya
Jiro Sato
Rina Kawaei
DJ Matsunaga
Koji Ishizaka
Yuki Saito
Masanobu Takashima
Junichi Ishikawa
Audio Tracks:
DTS, Dolby Digital 5.1
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
20 Dec 2024
Amemiya (Shotaro Mamiya) is an unpopular Youtuber who specializes in the occult. One day, his manager brings him a home floor plan. His manager tells him that the layout looks like an ordinary home floor plan, but the layout contains an inscrutable point. Amemiya begins to look carefully at the floor plan and Kurihara (Jiro Sato), who is an architect and a fan of mysteries, joins him. They try to reveal the mystery behind the house. Meanwhile, Yuzuki (Rina Kawaei) contacts Amemiya and tells him that she knows something about the house he posted on his YouTube channel. She joins Amemiya and Kurihara to reveal the mystery of the house, but she also seems to have a secret.
「這間房子,很不尋常!」日本連續4週No.1,年度真人電影票房冠軍!前所未見、突破燒腦極限的駭人真相即將揭曉!專拍神秘事件的YouTuber雨宮(間宮祥太朗 飾)受朋友所託調查一間擁有古怪間隔的舊屋,於是雨宮找來喜歡神秘學的建築師栗原(佐藤二朗 飾)協助分析平面圖。他們陸續發現平面圖上「細思極恐」的詭異細節,栗原甚至作出一個大膽假設!此時,「詭屋」附近駭然發現一具棄屍,雨宮懷疑背後有恐怖內情,決定把所有疑點拍成影片放上網絡,隨即引來神秘女子柚希(川榮李奈 飾)提供關鍵線索。三人越查越深入,不但發現了其他古怪民居平面圖,背後的黑暗真相亦隨之浮現…你能拆解這詭異謎團嗎?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)