The 100 Candles Game (2021) 玩命招魂夜 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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The 100 Candles Game (2021) 玩命招魂夜 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Magui Bravi
Luz Champané
Amparo Espinola
Clara Kovacic
Agustín Olcese
Amy Smart

Victor Català
Brian Deane
Oliver Lee Garland

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
101 minutes

Universe Digital Entertainment Limited 寰宇數碼娛樂有限公司 (HK)

Release Date:
9 July 2021

One of the key shooting location is Castle San Francisco (or Castle of Egaña), where the group of friends play the “100 Candles Game”. It is located approximately 275km from the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This old mansion that has neither a face nor a front, began construction in 1918 by architect Eugenio Díaz Vélez (grandson of Argentina national hero Eustoquio Díaz Vélez). The castle was completed in 1930, a large banquet was organized to celebrate its grand opening. Family and friends gathered for a big celebration. However things drastically changed Eugenio failed to show up for his party and was later found dead in his home in Buenos Aires. The news was so tragic and unexpected that all the family and guests left immediately, leaving the luxurious party preparations as they were, including fully set dinner table, for 30 years.

In the 60s, the building was passed into the hands of the Minority Council as a juvenile reformatory facility. However not long later in the 70s, another unexpected incident happened - a young resident has murdered one of the managers by shooting him multiple times. The facility was closed soon after and has been abandoned ever since…

Director: Nicolás Onetti, Guillermo Lockhart, Víctor Català, Daniel Ruebesam, Tony Morales, Nicholas Peterson, Oliver Garland, Brian Deane, Christopher West

鬼魅無國界,位於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯最神秘的凶宅「埃加尼亞城堡」,最不怕死的玩家在此雲集,將日本古代的怪談傳說玩 出頂級配置,一心想親眼見識百鬼夜行的景象。 根據流傳自日本江戶時代《百物語》的古老傳說,參加招靈遊戲的玩家必須圍在一起,四周點上一百支蠟燭,圍成一個圓圈,在 旁邊房間擺 放一面鏡子,玩家輪流講一個鬼故事。每講完一個故事,玩家須獨自入房,對着鏡子將蠟燭吹熄之際,不僅有可能迷 失崩潰,還有機會引出凶靈。如安然無恙,則仍要回來繼續遊戲。無論玩到最後一支蠟燭,抑或出現意外,只要蠟燭全部熄滅, 冥界鬼門將被打開,釋放幽靈亡魂,萬千靈體奪路而出,將仍在場的玩家帶進萬劫不復的幽冥地獄 一行四人的試膽玩家,基於種種原因,選擇了這座建於 1930 年的荒廢古堡玩這個招靈遊戲,但隨著遊戲進行,種種偏差開始乍 現,有人中途消失,遊戲初衷被違背,事態陷於失控……

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled) 

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • The 100 Candles Game (2021) 玩命招魂夜 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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