PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Megan Fox
Jessica Sutton
Philip Winchester
Lee-Anne Liebenberg
Calli Taylor
Greg Kriek
M.J. Bassett
Audio Tracks:
DTS Digital Surorund ES, Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
106 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
15 Jan 2021
Out of ammo and being hunted by the terrorists the team take refuge in a seemingly abandoned farm. It soon becomes clear that the ‘farm’ was actually a base of operations for poachers and was being used to breed lions for the traditional medicine and canned hunting business - and not all the lions have gone…
Now, with the terrorists closing in and Africa’s most dangerous predator hunting them, the team have to survive the night at the bottom of the food chain and make it out with the hostages alive.
由森瑪花(美瑾霍絲 飾)領導的僱傭兵團接到任務:深入非洲營救被綁架的州長女兒。營救行動遭到恐怖份子的強烈反擊,當僱傭兵藏身於廢棄農場等待救援的時侯,才驚覺踏入了非法繁殖及獵殺獅子的行動基地。與此同時,周遭的流浪獅子以及恐怖份子正一步步迫近……在毫無退路的情況下,這隊僱傭兵只能放手一搏,殺出重圍!
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)