PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Jasna Đuričić
Izudin Bajrović
Boris Isaković
Johan Heldenbergh
Raymond Thiry
Emir Hadžihafizbegović
Jasmila Zbanic
Audio Tracks:
DTS Digital Surround ES / Dolby Digital EX
Original Soundtrack (mainly in Bosnian, part-of English, Serbian and Dutch) 電影原聲, 主波士尼亞語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
103 minutes
Universe Digital Entertainment Limited (HK) 寰宇數碼娛樂有限公司
Release Date:
4 Nov 2021
Bosnia, July 11th 1995. Aida is a translator for the United Nations in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. As an insider to the negotiations Aida has access to crucial information that she needs to interpret. What is at the horizon for her family and people -- rescue or death? Which move should she take?
根據震驚全球真實事件改編,影片講述 1995 年宣布獨立的波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納遭到塞族共和國出兵攻打,聯合國 維和 部隊翻譯員艾達與三萬名難民退守聯合國荷蘭部隊基地、在死亡威脅下同呼吸共命運的經歷。
在塞爾維亞共和國軍入侵斯雷布雷尼察城期間,面對每秒三枚炮彈轟擊的致命攻勢,當地難民試圖湧入維和部隊基 地尋求庇護,但基地只可容納五六千人。塞軍對聯合國要求停火的最後通牒置之不理,更裝出願意與維和部隊展開 談判。掌握著聯合國方面最新應對動向的艾達,一方面千方百計把失散在基地外的丈夫和大兒子設法帶入基地,另 一方面作為內幕的知情人,卻不得不把一些明知有害於同胞利益的安排如實翻譯,陷於職責與道義的兩難。隨著維 和部隊孤立無援以至敗退,塞 軍將領穆拉迪奇將軍及其部眾如入無人之境,基地內外的民眾頓時變得孤立無援,命 懸一線。
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)