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Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Tara Wood
Featuring Interviews with:
Samuel L. Jackson
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Diane Kruger
Lucy Liu
Michael Madsen
Eli Roth
Tim Roth
Kurt Russell
Christoph Waltz
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in English, part-of French and German)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
101 minutes
Wood Entertainment (2019)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
12 June 2020
Quentin Tarantino is the most influential filmmaker of the past 30 years. His bloody, talky, nonlinear films pull together dozens of influences to form bracingly original cinematic events. In a Hollywood that worships at the altar of franchises and remakes, Tarantino’s films are the best kind of tentpoles - wholly unique cinematic visions from a filmmaker at the peak of his powers.
As Tarantino's newest film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood arrives to praise and controversy, filmmaker Tara Wood takes us on a journey through the first 8 wildly divergent films that Tarantino has helmed, narrated by the actors and collaborators who have worked with him. From Reservoir Dogs through The Hateful Eight, from the video store to the fall of Harvey Weinstein, QT8 digs deep into the story of the most important and controversial filmmaker of our time.
鬼才是怎樣煉成的?!28年前,昆頓塔倫天奴憑首部導演作品《落水狗》紅遍電影界。其後,他旋即開拍《危險人物》、《危險關係》及《標殺令》等…… 他的作品打破所有電影常規界限,以血與復仇寫成一部部詩歌,獲譽為法國新浪潮後首個突圍而出的導演。對電影沉迷到極致的塔倫天奴,揚言一生只會拍十套電影,在事業生涯高峰時退出,以保留「電影鬼才」的美名。到底塔倫天奴如何由寄居朋友梳化的碟鋪打工仔,搖身一變成為影壇神級大導?本紀錄片將逐一揭露塔倫天奴的電影世界觀,深入淺出剖析八部作品及創作靈感。導演請來跟塔倫天奴合作已久的台前幕後,包括森姆積遜、卻羅素、珍妮花積遜李,揭露塔倫天奴不為人知的秘密,和他的血與夢。
documentary trailer (Chinese subtitled)