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Outrage Trilogy 全員惡人三部曲 (2010-2017) (Region A Blu-ray Boxset) (English Subtitled) 3 Film Collection Japanese movie
$59.99 USD
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Takeshi Kitano
Sugimoto Tetta
Miura Tomokazu
Shiina Kippei
Ishibashi Renji
Tomokazu Miura
Ryo Kase
Akira Nakao
Shigeru Koyama
Toshiyuki Nishida
Nao Omori
Pierre Taki
Sansei Shiomi
Takeshi Kitano
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
31 Aug 2018
Outrage 全員惡人 (2010):
Takeshi Kitano returns with extreme violence. Several subsidiary bosses gather at a lavish lunch with "Mr. Chairman", the head of the ruling Sanno-Kai yakuza organization which controls the Greater Tokyo area, Sanno-Kai underboss Kato warns Ikemoto about his overt dealings with family outsider Murase, an old-timer with whom he recently made a pact in prison. In an effort to ease Mr. Chairman's suspicions, Ikemoto asks fellow boss Otomo to do his dirty work for him by making a minor but obvious move against Murase. Otomo's actions are the start of a ruthless series of conflicts and betrayals. Before long, several yakuza clans are out for blood in their constant battle for power and money. The rival bosses fight to rise through the ranks by scheming and making short-lived alleglances. In this corrupt world where there are no heroes, It's a Bad Guy vs. Bad Guy in a spiralling outrage of gang warfare...
「山王會」是日本關東地區最龐大的社團,分部眾多,權傾東京。一天,「山王會」會長(北村總一朗飾)找來一班小頭目吃飯;席間,會長的副手加藤(三浦友和飾)趁機嚴斥「池元組」組長池元(國村隼飾),指他與外面的弱小社團村瀨過往甚密。池元為免大佬猜疑,於是派遣隸屬他的「大友組」組長大友(北野武飾)處置村瀨(石橋蓮司飾)。 收拾殘局、清理蘇州屎向來是大友的強項,只不過,今次大友的行動卻觸動了各頭目的神經線。原來幫會內有人因為金錢和權力,出賣兄弟,進行內部清洗,最後更惹來外來幫派的血腥狙擊。連場下吃上、黑吃黑、外吃內的陰謀,令「大友組」組員一一被殺,關東地區的黑幫更準備隨時大規模開火……
Outrage Beyond 全員惡人 完結 (2012):
As the police launch a full-scale crackdown on organized crime, it ignites a national yakuza struggle between the Sanno of the East and Hanabishi of the West. What started as an internal strife in Outrage has now become a nationwide war in Outrage Beyond.
亞洲電影大獎最佳導演北野武繼2010年的《全員惡人》後,再度全力炮製黑幫暴力電影!山王會越幹越大,會內組長級職位被年輕人霸佔,老臣子們有感地位受威脅,極為不滿。反黑組片岡看中山王會這個弱點,挑撥原本跟山王會份屬兄弟班的關西花菱會,希望他們狗咬狗骨,自相殘殺,好讓他坐享漁人之利。他還有一張皇牌—就是當年被山王會趕盡殺絕、傳聞在獄中被殺的大友(北野武 飾)。 黑幫裡人人都對權力高位虎視眈眈,個個都想踩著別人上位,以血腥抵血腥,離間變反間,最後誰水鬼升城皇,誰又被犬欺都是未知之數。
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)
Outrage Coda 全員惡人最終章 (2017):
While Hanada (Pierre Taki) is in South Korea on a business trip, he kills CEO Jang’s subordinate. CEO Jang holds tremendous power in South Korea. A highly volatile situation between CEO Jang and Hanada's yakuza group Hanabishi kai. Meanwhile, internal conflict breaks out in Hanabishi kai. Otomo (Takeshi Kitano), as an employee of CEO Jang, travels back to Japan.
山口組兩大家族關東山王會與關西花菱會曾經血腥惡鬥,山王會敗北,財務全歸花菱會所管。騷亂過後,曾被手下出賣的大友組組長大友(北野武 飾)在南韓商人張會長的秘密保護下,漂洋過海隱居南韓。張會長勢力覆 蓋日本和南韓,於黑白兩道、政經界都極有份量。 花菱會成員花田(瀧正則 飾)到南韓玩樂,誤殺馬伕,原來馬伕是張會長的手下,事件導致張會長和花菱會之間的關係緊張。同時,花菱會也發生內訌,二當家西野(西田敏行 飾)對沒有黑道背景,證券出身的主席野村(大杉漣 飾)非常不滿,兩者不和逐漸升溫,而主席野村則計劃聯同會內高層中田鏟除西野……大友在這腥風血雨的時候重回日本,表面上是替張會長復仇,卻趁火打劫欲剷除日益壯大的花菱會,乘勢將日本黑幫 的秩序撥亂反正……
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)