Her Fatal Ways 3 (1993) (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) (Legendary Collection)

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Her Fatal Ways 3 (1993) (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) (Legendary Collection)


Region Coding: Region Free

Carol Cheng Yue Ling (DoDo)
Alfred Cheung
Anthony Wong
Chan Chung Yung
Alfred Cheung

Audio Tracks: 
Dolby Digital 2.0


Cantonese, Mandarin

English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese

Running Time: 
92 minutes

Joy Sales (HK)

Release Date:
22 June 2006

Crack mainland policeman Do Do Cheng is given a top secret assignment: Go to Hong Kong and look after the safety of old Mr Chien, a member of the Communist Party's Central Commitee. So Do Do finds herself in a plane, accompanying by her regular sidekick Cheung. There is a raging storm and the plane force-lands in Taiwan. Trying to hide their identity, the duo plays games with Taiwan police, They don't necessary make themselves popular, Yet Do Do's iintelligence anf good looks do turn the head of Taiwan policeman Yung.....
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  • Her Fatal Ways 3 (1993) (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) (Legendary Collection)

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