PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Sunny Suwanmethanon
Davika Hoorne
Violette Wautier
Torpong Chantabubpha
Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
10 Nov 2017
“Yoon” (Sunny Suwanmethanont) is the busiest 30-year-old freelance graphic designer in Thailand. Yoon not only takes pleasure in seeing his calendar completely filled with job deadlines, but also loves to deal with urgent jobs that require never-ending revisions. There’s a kind of satisfaction for a professional freelancer warrior like him, to get a job done without having to nag any of his Type-A clients. However, there is one Type-A personality whom Yoon is never able to satisfy…his own. After staying up working for 5 days straight, strange rashes start to appear on Yoon’s body. Yoon brings himself to a public hospital and meets “Doctor Imm” (Davika Hoorne). Doctor Imm is as busy as other typical doctors in any public hospital. But what makes her different is that Yoon likes her. Yoon and Doctor Imm get together every month, but only for a brief moment, Yoon’s check-up time allotment (due to long patient queues). Yoon must wait another 30 days plus the typical 3 hours wait for his queue to come up on the day of his appointment just to see Doctor Imm again. For some reasons, ever since the day Yoon ran into Doctor Imm, he lost his passion to work anymore. Will Doctor Imm be able to diagnose Yoon’s syndrome before his heart condition gets worse?
宅男阿翁(桑尼舒雲門塔諾 飾)是個任職平面設計的「自由工作者」,但「自由」只是虛有其名,其實是日做夜做乜job都要接,工作狂如他捱更抵夜趕deadline,做到六親不認。但一次連續通了五晚頂後,阿翁全身出疹,積勞成疾唯有求醫,竟遇上人生第一個叫他戀愛病發的美女醫生(迪維卡霍內 飾)。醫生要他少工作多休息、食藥、戒口、做gym......為了爭取每月一次與女神見面,阿翁乖乖聽話準時覆診,但單戀與壓力誘發的 心病,哪裡可覓解救良方?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)