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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
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US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Ghost in the Shell (1995) 攻殼機動隊 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Digital Remastered 數碼修復 Japanese Animation
$33.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Mamoru Oshii
Audio Tracks:
Uncompressed PCM 2.0
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
83 minutes
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
31 May 2021
One of the most influential Japanese anime of all time, Oshii Mamoru’s groundbreaking vision of a futuristic Hong Kong has spawned a vast franchise of films, manga and TV series that continues to this day. This highly-anticipated 4K restoration of the 1995 classic hits theaters again!
In the year 2029, advances in cybernetic technology allowed people to replace body parts and organs for robotic ones. Even the brain could be replaced with a cyber-brain with the ability to gain access to the internet and different networks. Major Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg agent working for the government, and her team have been given the assignment to track down the notorious hacker known as ‘The Puppetmaster’ and uncover his plans. Her mission explores the escalating synergy between humanity and technology, while questioning the very essence of sentient existence.
動畫史上最前衛經典的科幻神作,以4K數碼修復重歸大銀幕!動畫大師級導演押井守執導,藉著 Ghost(靈魂)和 Shell(軀殼)來探討人類存在、自我、意識、靈魂的關係。片中以香港的城市景觀為雛型場景,創造出有火車、飛機及渡船的後現代香港文明。當時1995年上映驚豔全球,享譽國際盛名,成為許多動漫迷和科幻迷心目中的經典神作,影響無遠弗屆。
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)