Earth: One Amazing Day 地球: 奇妙的一天 Blu-ray (Earth Film Productions) (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

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Earth: One Amazing Day 地球: 奇妙的一天 Blu-ray (Earth Film Productions) (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Richard Dale
Lixin Fan
Peter Webber

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Atmos, Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling

English, Cantonese 粵語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
94 minutes

Earth Film Productions (2017)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
20 July 2018

A landmark in wildlife filmmaking, Earth: One Amazing Day dramatically brings to life the crucial role the sun plays in shaping the destinies of life-forms on the planet, including ourselves. It’s a spectacular vision of the rhythms of day and night and how a relationship with the sun binds every species together. It starts with sunrise...

幼年的斑馬寶寶想要穿過一條湍急的河流,英勇的企鵝爸爸每天都要從事一項與大海以性命相搏的工作來撫養家人,一個喜歡在大海裡垂直著打瞌睡的抹香鯨家族,還有走在尋找真愛路上的樹懶。本片以戲劇手法為太陽賦予生命,用幽默、親密、感性而令人驚歎的電影感,來講述地球上這充滿你見所未見而無法想像的奇妙的每一天。由日到夜的宏觀大視野中,細說太陽如何將世上 所有物種連繫一起。一切,從日出開始…… 英文旁白有奧斯卡終身成就獎得主羅拔烈福 (Robert Redford) 作聲音導航,廣東話則由香港著名藝員黃子華深情旁述,與你一同 探索地球的奧妙。

documentary trailer (Cantonese Dubbed)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Earth: One Amazing Day 地球: 奇妙的一天 Blu-ray (Earth Film Productions) (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

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