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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Jon Shenk
Bonni Cohen
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Surround 5.1
English, Portuguese, Spanish
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, Thai
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Paramount Pictures (2017)
Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK
Release Date:
3 Jan 2018
A decade after An Inconvenient Truth brought climate change into the heart of popular culture comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight, traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes-in moments private and public, funny and poignant-as he pursues the empowering notion that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion. Renowned filmmakers Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk (Audrie & Daisy, 2016 Sundance Film Festival) have taken the baton from 2006 Academy Award-winner Davis Guggenheim. What started then as a profound slide show lecture has become a gorgeously cinematic excursion. Our extraordinary former vice president invites us along on an inspirational journey across the globe that delivers the tools to heal our planet. The question is: Will WE choose to take the baton?
一直熱心推動環保並因而贏得諾貝爾和平獎的前美國前副總統戈爾 (Al Gore),10 年前製作了奧斯卡金像紀錄片《絕望真相》(An Inconvenient Truth),講述溫室效應帶來的災難,希望提高大眾的環保意識。事隔十年,目前氣候暖化的情況是前所未有之嚴重,現任美國總統特朗普更宣佈退出「巴黎氣候協定」,為全球環保力量潑下一盤冷水;但戈爾並沒有停下腳步,反而繼續走遍各地,透過演講及交流,致力宣揚綠色環保訊息。他多年來努力不懈在世界各地訓練一班有志於終止全球暖化的有心人,共同致力影響國際氣候政策。拍攝隊伍一直緊隨他的身影,無論是私人會面還是公開論壇,氣氛輕鬆抑或劍拔弩張,他總是鍥而不捨,希望找出令人鼓舞的改善方法。他相信憑人類的聰明及熱忱,終有日可克服氣候變化帶來的危機。
movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)