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Constantine 4K UHD + Blu-ray (2005) 魔間行者 (Hong Kong Version)
$45.99 USD

4K Ultra HD Region Coding: Region Free
Blu-ray Region Coding: Region Free
Keanu Reeves
Rachel Weisz
Shia LaBeouf
Djimon Hounsou
Max Baker
Pruitt Taylor Vince
Francis Lawrence
Audio Tracks:
DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0
Languages (4K UHD):
English, Canadian, Parisian, German, Italian
Languages (Blu-ray):
English, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian
Subtitles (4K UHD):
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Norweigan, Spanish, Swedish
Subtitles (Blu-ray):
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Arablic, Bahasa, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Hebrew, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Thai, Turkish
Number of Discs:
2 Discs (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)
Running Time:
121 minutes
Warner Bros. / Manta Lab (HK)
Release Date:
18 Feb 2025
Just beneath the streets of modern-day Los Angeles lies a world of demons ... and angels.Globetrotting misfit and renegade occultist John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), a man who has literally been to hell and back, enters this world to help a skeptical policewoman investigate the mysterious suicide of her twin sister in Constantine.
約翰康斯旦丁天生擁有超能力,能夠看見魔鬼遊走人間,縱使知道自己命不久矣,仍覺得有使命感要將它們趕回地獄。這部超乎想像力的靈異奇幻動作猛片──《魔界行者》改編自DC/ Vertigo暢銷漫畫《Hellblazer》,在片中,《22世紀殺人網絡》的奇洛李維斯要穿梭人魔兩道,驅邪伏魔,與此同時,發現原來在天使之城裡,靈界之間的條約已經蕩然無存,魔鬼恃惡橫行。神探約翰康斯旦丁逐帶齊聖水、火龍噴器、狙魔十字槍,夥同美麗勇敢的女警﹝麗素慧絲飾﹞,為正邪對立展開驚天一戰。