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Another Round (2020) 醉美的一課 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Danish movie aka Druk, "binge drinking"
$38.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Mads Mikkelsen
Thomas Bo Larsen
Lars Ranthe
Magnus Millang
Maria Bonnevie
Susse Wold
Thomas Vinterberg
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD 5.1 with Advanced 96k Upsampling, PCM 2.0
Original Soundtrack 電影原聲 (mainly in Danish, part-of Swedish)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
117 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
17 Aug 2021
There’s a theory that we should be born with a small amount of alcohol in our blood, and that modest inebriation opens our minds to the world around us, diminishing our problems and increasing our creativity. Heartened by that theory, Martin and three of his friends, all weary high school teachers, embark on an experiment to maintain a constant level of intoxication throughout the workday. If Churchill won WW2 in a heavy daze of alcohol, who knows what a few drops might do for them and their students?
Initial results are positive, and the teachers’ little project turns into a genuine academic study. Both their classes and their results continue to improve, and the group feels alive again! As the units are knocked back, some of the participants see further improvement and others go off the rails. It becomes increasingly clear that while alcohol may have fueled great results in world history, some bold acts carry consequences.
馬田(麥斯米基辛 飾)、湯美(湯瑪士保拿森 飾)、彼得(拉斯蘭夫 飾)與尼古拉(馬諾斯米蘭 飾),四位高中教師,人到中年疲態盡現,青春小鳥一去不返,工作和家庭都令他們感到力不從心,偶爾聽聞一位挪威哲學家提出適量酒精能令人豁然開朗並提高創造力的理論,四個頹廢中佬決定親身試驗,酒不離手的邱吉爾醉著都能打贏二戰,他們淺嚐幾滴,在工作期間保持醉酒狀態,又會帶來甚麼變化?
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)