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Along With The Gods 與神同行 (2017) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Korean movie aka Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds / With God / Singwa Hamgge
$34.99 USD

Ha Jung-Woo
Cha Tae-Hyun
Ju Ji-Hoon
Kim Hyang-Gi
Kim Dong-Wook
Do Kyung-Soo
Lee Joon-Hyuk
Lee Jung-Jae
Ma Dong-Seok
Jang Gwang
Jung Hae-Kyun
Kim Yong-Hwa
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
140 minutes
Edko Films Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
29 March 2018
According to the laws of Afterlife, all deceased must go through 7 trials over 49 days divided into 7 sin categories: betrayal, violence, filial piety, murder, indolence, deceit, and injustice. Once the deceased clears all 7 trials, he can be reincarnated and start a new life. “Mr. Kim Ja-hong, you died as expected without complications.” Having died unexpectedly at a scene of fire while trying to save a little girl, firefighter Ja-hong is taken to the purgatory by 3 Afterlife guardians – Kang-lim, Hewonmak and Deok-choon. As the first paragon in 19 years, he must go through 7 trials over 49 days in order to be reincarnated. The 3 guardians were promised of reincarnation as well by King Yeomra, who rules the Afterlife, if they successfully defend 49 souls and do their best defend Ja-hong’s innocence in trials as their 48th client. His journey progresses without a hitch, until his brother Su-hong, who died begrudgingly, has turned into a Vengeful Spirit and begins attacking the Afterlife, thereby interrupting Ja-hong’s trial. Through the course of this battle, hidden facts surrounding Su-hong’s death are uncovered and proof of Ja-hong’s innocence is now uncertain. Risking their own fate in the Afterlife, the 3 guardians fight to reincarnate both brothers.
斥資400億韓圜天價「神」作,全球買家瘋搶,刷新韓片版權最高金額紀錄!金自鴻(車太鉉 飾)是個正直、盡責的消防員,在一次拯救任務中不幸殉職。地獄使者「老大」江林 (河正宇 飾)、「護衛」解怨脈 (朱智勛 飾)、「助手」李德春 (金香起 飾)奉命引領金自鴻到地府,接受七大地獄,七七四十九天的審判。唯有盡過七關的亡魂,方可轉世前託夢給在世的人。為了見年邁母親最後一面,金自鴻決心勇闖「說謊、怠惰、不義、背叛、暴力、殺人、天倫」七大地獄,與閻羅王 (李政宰 飾)終極對峙… 改編自大熱韓國同名網絡漫畫,帶你進入一個空前未見的神幻國度!
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)