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Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen 新兵正傳 III 蛙人傳 (2015) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Singaporean movie
$19.99 USD

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Tosh Zhang 張智揚
Wang Weiliang 王偉良
Joshua Tan 陳偉恩
Maxi Lim 林俊良
Wesley Wong
Justin Dominic Misson
Charlie Goh
Bunz Bao
Jaspers Lai
Jack Neo 梁智強
Audio Tracks:
DTS 5.1
Original Soundtrack 原聲
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
11 July 2018
Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen brings Singapore’s favourite recruits back to the days before enlistment in ABTM. Instead of reporting to Pulau Tekong, the Ah Boys are posted to the Naval Diving Unit (NDU). Returning to active duty are familiar characters – Ken Chow (Joshua Tan), the spoilt, rich kid, who tries to 'keng' his way out of NS. Aloysius Jin AKA Wayang King (Maxi Lim), whose over-enthusiasm creates more problems for his cabin mates. Lobang (Wang Weiliang), the street-smart wheeler dealer, out to make a quick buck off his cabin mates. Joining them is new face Hei Long AKA The Black Dragon (Wesley Wong), an aggressive gang leader, who prefers to talk with his fists instead of his mouth. Together, these ragtag band of misfits must somehow survive 40 weeks of training in hell. Do they have what it takes to become one of Singapore’s most fearsome military units – the frogmen?
Ken Chow(陳偉恩):一個被母親寵壞的富家子,常裝病以便能脫離艱苦訓練。 Aloysius Jin(林俊良):對軍隊生涯有無限憧憬,然而處事待人能力為零的死腦筋。 羅邦(王偉良):家庭背景複雜的小滑頭,無時無刻不想著如何賺同袍的錢。 石黑龍(黃愷傑):香港新移民的第二代,街頭党老大,性格火爆,是同袍之間爆發衝突的導火線。 來自五湖四海,性格各異的年輕人,到底要如何熬過這40 周的地獄式艱苦訓練?且看小蝌蚪們如何蛻變成 雄赳赳的戰鬥蛙人?