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A Taxi Driver 逆權司機 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean movie aka Taeksi Woonjunsa
$22.99 USD

Song Kang-Ho
Thomas Kretschmann
Yu Hae-Jin
Ryoo Joon-Yeol
Park Hyuk-Kwon
Choi Gwi-Hwa
Um Tae-Goo
Jeon Hye-Jin
Ko Chang-Seok
Yoo Eun-Mi
Jang Hun
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital EX
Original Soundtrack (mainly in Korean, part-of English)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
26 Jan 2018
May 1980. A Seoul taxi driver named Man-seob (SONG Kang-ho) comes across an offer too good to be true. If he drives a foreign passenger from Seoul down to Gwangju and back again before the curfew, he'll be paid the unthinkable sum of 100,000 won – enough to cover several months of unpaid rent. Without stopping to ask the details, he picks up the German reporter Peter (Thomas Kretschmann) and sets off along the highway. Although stopped by police roadblocks at the edge of Gwangju, Man-seob is desperate to earn his taxi fare, and eventually manages to find a way into the city. There they encounter students and ordinary citizens taking part in large-scale demonstrations against the government. Man-seob, alarmed by the danger in the air, pleads with Peter to go quickly back to Seoul. But Peter ignores him, and with the help of a university student Jae-sik (RYU Jun-yeol) and a Gwangju taxi driver named HWANG (YOO Hai-jin), begins shooting with his news camera. As time passes the situation grows more and more serious, and Man-seob keeps thinking of his young daughter at home all alone.
1980年5月光州民主化運動前夕,一名漢城的士司機「金四福」(宋康昊 飾) 以微薄收入來維持自己及女兒的生活。一天,他接到一單大生意,他只需將一名外國乘客彼得 (湯瑪士基斯曼 飾) 送到光州並在宵禁前回來漢城即可獲得10萬韓圜報酬,足以支付他拖欠了幾個月的房租。開心上路的「四福」以為只是一趟普通旅程,殊不知車上的彼得原來是一名來自德國的調查記者,更不知光州的學生和民眾正在舉行大規模反政府示威。一 場意外的偶遇,讓平凡的士司機「四福」一腳踏入歷史巨流的暴風當中……
movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)