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77 Heartwarmings + 77 Heartbreaks Blu-ray Boxset (2017-2021) 感動她77次 + 原諒他77次 套裝 (Region A) (English Subtitled) 2 Movie Collection Special Edition 雙電影特別版
$46.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Charlene Choi 蔡卓妍
Pakho Chau 周柏豪
Michelle Wai 衛詩雅
Mario Maurer
Anthony Wong 黃秋生
Gillian Chung 鍾欣潼 (前名: 鍾欣桐)
Kara Hui 惠英紅
Lawrence Cheng 鄭丹瑞
Jeana Ho 何佩瑜
Stephen Cheng (C Kwan) 鄭詩君 (C君)
Herman Yau 邱禮濤
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD 5.1, DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1, Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
Mandarin 國語, Cantonese 粵語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Number of Discs:
3 Discs (2 Blu-rays + 1 Bonus DVD)
Running Time:
94 + 96 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
5 Nov 2021
77 Heartbreaks (2017) 原諒他77次:
When Eva ends her ten-year relationship with Adam, he's shocked by the seeming suddenness of the break-up till reading her private journal reveals it was the culmination of 77 heartbreaks. He is determined to win her back, but faces the hurdles of a drunken affair and the secret contained in the journal's missing last page.
Eva (蔡卓妍 飾) 與 Adam (周柏豪 飾) 拍拖十年,卻因一件小事突然分手。莫名被分手的Adam深受打擊,並於酒後與傾慕自己的學生Mandy (衛詩雅 飾) 發生了關係。後來直到Adam發現Eva所寫的77次心碎記錄才恍然大悟。慚愧不已的他決心追回Eva,但是他真正需要面對的酒後犯下的錯誤和筆記本被撕掉的最後一頁所藏 著的秘密。他能夠贏得她第78次的原諒嗎?
movie trailer (English subtitled)
77 Heartwarmings (2021) 原諒他77次:
Eva (Charlene Choi) sees people split up for all kinds of reasons as a divorce lawyer, but she hasn't seen much proof of true love in the real world. Suddenly, Eva finds herself caught between three suitors: Her ex-boyfriend, Adam (Pakho Chau); Marvel (Mario Maurer), a mysterious street artist; and NT Deng, an eccentric billionaire. Who will successfully warm her heart?
經過77次的不能原諒後,Eva(蔡卓妍 飾) 終與拍拖十年多的 Adam (周柏豪 飾)分手。回復單身的 Eva 寄情工作,但 Adam 仍對她念念不忘,希望藉著努力改過的誠意,感動她77次以彌補過失。可是Eva遇上泰國男神影星 Marvel (Mario Maurer 飾),對方發動追求攻勢,甚至刻意向 Adam 挑機,令本已複雜的關係節外生枝。此時Eva的媽媽 (惠英紅 飾) 突然暈倒入院,Eva 為成全病危母親的心願,決定與 Adam 舉行一場浪漫婚禮 ...... 究竟 Eva最終會否被 Adam 感動?Marvel 的出現又是否會改寫她的命運?這場婚禮又是屬於誰的大團圓結局?
movie trailer (English subtitled)
*Includes a booklet (while stocks last)
*包括:【「真‧自己」備忘錄】乙本 (每一頁記錄著77次心痛回憶), 送完即止.